Guitars Crafted with Heart to Awaken Your Soul
From my hands to yours, every Banker is made to perform at the next level. Built using the finest tone woods, materials, and craftsmanship from the dawning era of the electric guitar while incorporating modern design refinement, Banker combines vintage style and mojo with road-worthy reliability.
Adam Coleman
I cannot believe how incredibly well made this thing is. You are an absolute genuis. I LOVE IT! If you were standing here right now, I'd kiss you right on the mouth. I can't wait to buy another one from you. Holy shit! If this is the standard you've set, I'm never going to anyone else ever again.
Zach Blair - Rise Against
Oh My God, this is the BEST neck I'ver ever played. It's like someone customized it for my hands. This is exactly the guitar I wanted and it was in perfect tune right out of the case. I really just can't belive it. I NEED MORE!!!!!
Charlie Starr & Benji Shanks
Watch the Blackberry Smoke Guitarists Jam on Custom Bankers at West End Sound Studio
Trusted Partner
Banker is the First Boutique Builder to join forces with Gibson Brands as Part of their Authorized Partner Program. This program grants Banker license to utilize certain historical body and headstock designs which are trademarked by Gibson Brands.